- 可以從 Google 搜尋
- 從 free player (Internet radio / Internet radio) 裡面的 URL list 搜尋 (例如 Stream Media Player 裡面就有列出 URL)
- 自行架設 (Wiki 有列很多 streaming service 系統,最快就是用 VLC。但是 1.1.11 版的,都跟 Android client 配不起來,還在測試中)
測試對象 (Client):
- Android SDK API: MediaPlayer, AsyncPlayer, JetPlayer
- Market free player: Doga, MX Video Player, QissMusic, StreamMediaPlayer, Stream Media Player, VLC Direct, yxplayer, 達龍
測試方法 (Client):
0. Behavior check:
a. Downloading and playing at the same time.
b. URL check speed with different patterns size.
c. Network check speed with different network type.
d. CPU / Mem load
e. Touch panel response
1. Normal condition:
a. Could play by all protocols.
b. Could play specific patterns (mp3).
c. Count down & UI are sync and correct.
d. Slow network
2. Abnormal condition:
a. URL:
1. Wrong URL format.
2. URL unreachable (Pattern not exist).
3. Incorrect pattern type.
4. URL invalid while playing (During one cycle then go to next cycle)
b. Network:
1. PDP
2. WiFi
3. No network (Airplane mode)
4. Network invalid while playing (During one cycle then go to next cycle)
- 如何用程式判斷 streaming URL 是存活的
- VLC streaming 都讀不到