

Android File IO Performance Test

並沒有參考過 Linux open community tool algorithm
目前針對以下幾個項目,然後用各種不同的 Java IO 方式來進行測試

l   Src / Dst path [option]
l   File size [option]
l   Test cases
n   Sequential R/W (Postpone)
n   Random R/W (Postpone)
n   Creating (Low IO / High IO / New IO with buffer size, file size and algorithm)
u  Create many small files
u  Create large file
n   Copying (Low IO / High IO / New IO with buffer size, file size and algorithm)
u  Copy many small files
u  Copy large file
n   Deleting
u  Delete many small files
n   File compression / decompression
n   File encryption / Decryption

Test scenario: (Algorithm, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, read / write by buffer)
         //createNative1(dstFlash, size);
        createNative2(dstFlash, size);
        createBuffered(dstFlash, size);
        createNIO(dstFlash, size);
        createRandom(dstFlash, size);                             
        //nativeStream1(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        nativeStream2(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        //nativeReader(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);                             
        //bufferedStream1(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        bufferedStream2(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        //bufferedReader1(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        //bufferedReader2(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        customBufferStream1(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        customBufferStream2(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        //customBufferReader1(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        //customBufferReader2(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);                               
        newIOBuffer(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);                         
        bySystemCmd(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);                               
        // copySmallFiles(flashPath, flashPath);
        // customBufferBufferedStream(srcFlash, dstFlash);
        // customBufferBufferedReader(srcFlash, dstFlash);
        // appliedCompression(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);
        // appliedCaching(srcFlash, dstFlash, size);

